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Over Sense8ive

Sense8 production company Georgeville Television’s lawyer, Jim Goodman, accuses Primed author and publisher, G P Francis, of making “...serious innuendos,” over an online forum posted comment in response to the March 27th 2013 announcement of Netflix’s new TV show, co-written by J. Michael Straczynski in collaboration with siblings Lana and Andy Wachowski.

Sense8 is described in the announcement as “a gripping global tale of minds linked and souls hunted.” This basic premise similarity prompted the author to make the following comment on the site’s forum:



Yes, that does sound interesting, but I really hope they don't duplicate the technology and ideas in my new novel, "Primed."
"Primed" is a science-fiction thriller exploring the logical conclusion of developmental trends in information and telecommunications technology, resulting in a society where people are interconnected at a sensory level, able to share their experiences, perceptions and coherent thoughts (referred to as 'nens,' in the story) directly with others. Since the technology is accessible to the police state this leads to civil rights and privacy violations at the highest imaginable level: thought intrusion, or 'nen-screening'.
I don't particularly want to be having the conversation "Isn't that just like in Sense8?" at any point in the future, particularly as I'm currently adapting the novel into a screenplay.
Just for the record, I first published Feb 28 2013, and started the first draft back in March 2012, in case anyone needs to set precedent.



Two weeks later, Mr. Francis received the following e-mail message from Mr. Goodman via his Dissident Press publishing website’s contact page:



Re: “SENSE8” Dear Mr. Francis: The comment you posted on March 27th on has been noted by the executives of Netflix and Georgeville Television and has been brought to my attention for investigation and further response. You have made serious innuendos that our television series, “Sense8”, infringes on the content of your book. We take such matters very seriously and categorically reject all inferences to infringement made in your comment. Please advise us if you have ever sent your manuscript or any drafts or samples to any party involved in production and development of “Sense8” as well as any documentation you have as to the delivery and/or receipt of the materials by that party. All of our rights and remedies are hereby reserved. Very truly yours, James B Goodman Executive Vice President Georgeville Television Legal& Business Affairs



In response to Mr. Goodman’s request, Mr. Francis drafted the following response:



Dear Mr. Goodman,

Thank you for your e-mail earlier today. I am glad to see you take such matters seriously, as do I. Rest assured that if I had inferred copyright infringement you would not be hearing about it via an online forum posted comment, but from my lawyers.

As you are no doubt aware, any ‘innuendo’ to which you refer is simply one party’s proposed explanation of the meaning of a set of words alleged to be defamatory where the defamatory meaning is not apparent. It is certainly not the only possible explanation, and it is certainly not my explanation, but yours, and one arrived at rather tenuously. I put it to you that the reason any defamatory meaning is not apparent is because it is entirely absent from my own original meaning and intent, and that your allegation is groundless. Had I wished to make a defamatory comment I would have done so clearly. There is certainly a comment made by another party within the same thread that does make an explicitly disparaging and defamatory remark, i.e. that most of the Wachowskis' work is "...sheer and utter garbage," a view which I do not share, and I am forced to wonder if you have challenged them in this fashion, also, but suspect that you have not.

The online posted comment to which you refer, made in a forum where such comments were encouraged, was simply my freely expressed and genuine concern, evidenced in my use of the word ‘hope’, that the as-yet-publicly-undisclosed finer details of the Sense8 milieu, to which I am certainly not privy, do not, by the producers’ and developers’ own original efforts and endeavours, arrive at a ‘duplicate’ of, i.e. exactly like or corresponding to, the description of technology and ideas presented within my own work, thereby detracting from my own original efforts and endeavours, as well as from their own. I then provided an overview of my own story’s milieu so that readers could understand my concern, again based on perceived similarities with the little information publicly available concerning Sense8. I am sure you are also aware, as am I, that any such similarities, even should they actually exist, which is at this point in time certainly not clear, would not constitute copyright infringement. I do not believe, nor was there any such inference, i.e. conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning, in my online posted comment, that the producers and developers of Sense8 have in any way infringed on the content of my own novel, Primed.

For your peace of mind and satisfaction, I hereby confirm that there has been no exchange of material in either direction between myself and the producing or developing parties of Sense8.

Thank you for your attention in this matter, and for allowing me the opportunity to more clearly describe my original intent and meaning. If you wish, I will be happy to post your message and this response on the internet so that interested third parties can see for themselves that I harbour no ill intent and wish the producers and developers of Sense8, for whom I have the greatest respect, success in their original efforts and endeavours.

Yours Sincerely,

G P Francis



Mr. Goodman’s rather legally-toned and defensive response to a simple online forum comment might be the result of an over-sensitivity to accusations of illegal copyright infringement concerning the Wachowskis, who have previously been accused of plagiarism by well-known comic-book writer Grant Morrison (The Invisibles) and subject to a lawsuit by Sophia Stewart, lesser-known author of The Third Eye, and self-styled 'Mother of the Matrix'.

Despite numerous and frequently repeated online rumours to the contrary, Ms. Stewart did not win her case against the Wachowskis, who remain the rightful owners of The Matrix copyrights. However, the difficulties of stamping out the false rumours and the negative publicity they’ve garnered have unfairly ‘darkened the skies’ over the Wachowskis' achievements and reputations.



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